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Thank you for your interest in the United Angora Rabbit Club (UARC). The UARC was chartered by the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) in 2007 through the hard work of a handful of dedicated breeders.

In photo right, The United Angora Rabbit Club Specialty Best in Show display of Best of Breeds for the Fall 2022 October Specialty. Nickie Chaplin BIS, BISS Giant, Ashley Ra with Satin, Lisa Moretti with French, and Sarah Martin with English.


The UARC is a family ordinated club, and believe that the youth are our future. This club fully supports our up and coming youth members. The UARC is a club for all Angora rabbit fanciers, whether their interests are showing, breeding, or fiber related. A club that is run by its members, for its members, for the promotion of Angoras through shared information, shows, meetings, and instruction in a creative and positive atmosphere. All club communication is done via the internet (email and Facebook) including our club newsletter (when one is sent out).


UARC Supports Youth Competitors

Family Memberships are $15

Membership details HERE


Get your UARC Swag today!